Water stains on polished marble top

When I look at my marble bathroom counter tops, there are some dull spots that I think are water marks. I can not feel anything if I run my hand over them. What could this be and how can I "repair" them? I should add that they are only 1 year old. Thanks

Dear Peter:

All the “water stains” you have on your stone are marks of corrosions (etchings) made by various acidic or other pH active liquids that became in contact with the surface of the stone, i.e.: drinks, after-shave, any other perfume and fragrances, contact lens cleaner, some generic cleaning product and so on through a long list. There's no product on the marketplace – sealer or what-have-you – that could prevent such surface-damages from happening.
You will need the services of a bona fide stone restoration contractor, who will have to hone and re-finish your stone. You could also consider a good quality Marble Repair Kit. Bear in mind that if the etching is too extensive and/or too severe, the whole top will need to be professionally honed before polishing. It will help a great deal though, and if some handy person in your household can use a car buffer: it would increase the performance of the polishing product dramatically.

May I ask you now to please read and e-sign our Statement of Purpose at: http://www.marblecleaning.org/purpose.htm?

Ciao and good luck,

Mauri z io Bertoli


www.marblecleaning.org – The Only Consumers' Portal to the Stone Industry Establishment!

Article ID: 1157
Created On: Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 9:25 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Maurizio Bertoli [mail@mbstone.com]

Online URL: https://marblecleaning.org/knowledgebase/article.php?id=1157