French laurent

Q. We had granite countertops installed (French Laurent), and now they don't shine in certain areas. What can I do to make them shine, and should I seal them?
A. Firstly, 'French Laurent (or Noir Saint Laurent) is not a granite, it is a French micritic limestone. Not really suitable for a kitchen countertop installation. With that said, the reason why it has lost its shine in certain areas is that the surface has been affected by certain liquid agents, acidic or alkaline that has reacted with the delicate chemistry of the stone and caused etching. This type of damage can be repaired. I would suggest that you contact a restoration company in your area. (Visit
Sealing this type of stone will not prevent etching. Sealers will only give you enough time to inhibit such things as coffee, tea or cooking oil to from being absorbed into the stone and creating a stain. If the surface is glossy, the pores of the stone are closed and therefore, very little, if any, sealer will be absorbed into the stone, so sealing may not be necessary at all.
Reg Pinto
The Stone Doctor

Article ID: 1654
Created On: Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 9:34 AM
Last Updated On: Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Administrator []

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