Labrador Antique Countertops

Q. Would greatly appreciate your opinion re need for sealing, tendency to chip and crack, and routine care for Labrador Antique kitchen countertops. 
A. Hi there- with this granite you will probably wont have to seal it. We reccomend the water test to determine if it needs sealing or not. Puddle up a palm sized puddle of water in two spots on your top. 
Let it sit for five to ten minutes and wipe up the water. If the stone turns darker where the puddle was it is absorbing the water and needs to be sealed.
As far as tendency to crack or chip it is possible with this "granite"(actually an anorthosite geologically) but depends on the grading of the slab. Hopefully you have worked with a good fabricator who can let you know more about this issue. Chipping would be more relevant than cracking due to the nature of the stone. Cracking would be from fissure within the stone that may possibly open slightly. Both issues can be repaired by a bona fide stone refinisher. (You can find one in your area by going to the Find a PRO section at
Thanks Much, Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Stu Rosen

Article ID: 1922
Created On: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:49 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Stu Rosen []

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