Pietra cardozza

Q.I recenetly had Pietra Cardozza professionall fabricated and installed. I am not sure the stone countertop is Pietra -Afraid it might be Soapstone Too soft. How can I make sure? Is there a test ot is there a Geologist that can "make a house call and assure me. Scratching and pitting and I am the most careful user (never scratch things over surface or cut on it or place hot pots on it. I treat it like "gold. Instaleler let scftaches and whem the place that I bought it from (fabricator) sent a repair person he sanded it with water and sand paper -disaster -left a cloud like finish into the top of stone. Any help apprecoated. Not worried about staining -
A. Well pietra is very absorbant soft and will etch with acids due to calcites in its makeup. Soapstone is denser and very soft as it is composed of talc and will have a soapy feel. Acids wont touch it as it is acid resistant.
If I were to guess I would say you probably have soapstone but hey I am guesing blind may as well be in a casino.
If you dont want to gamble with your stone call a bona fide stone refinisher and get your stone treated right so you can live with it.
Find one at www.stoneandtilepros.com
Stu Rosen

Article ID: 1966
Created On: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:57 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:57 PM
Authored by: Stu Rosen [mail@stoneshine.com]

Online URL: https://marblecleaning.org/knowledgebase/article.php?id=1966