Marble/Granite Heat Stain

Q.I have a black marble mantel/fireplace and started it for the first time today. There are now oil stains where there was heat. Is there a way to get this off? The stone may be granite...just bought the place.
A. There is a way but it can be a bit sketchy. First you need to determine what the stone is and then try a poultice
such as 40%volume hydrogen peroxide mixed to a wet peanut butter consistency and applied over the stain.
Place plastic on it and let it sit overnight then pull the plastic off. Let the poultice dry out totally. Then lift and see what you have. Repeat if needed.
If you would like give us a call at 201-446-1200 to discuss. 
Stu Rosen

Article ID: 1969
Created On: Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 7:42 PM
Last Updated On: Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 7:42 PM
Authored by: Stu Rosen []

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