Marble Sealing and Care

Hello, I am in the process of installing "Cappuchino" marble in my entire kitchen/living/dining area. I wanted to know about sealing. Can I use the MB-4 for sealing? Is that all that needs to be done after the tile installation? My installer tells me it would be a good idea to reseal the kitchen area every month, is that true? I have two kids 3 & 6 and am very concerned after reading all about marble and its porosity. Thanks for your advice, Niral

Dear Niral:

Oh boy! I was getting mad when I was hearing people of the trade to encourage their customers to uselessly apply an impregnator (a.k.a. sealer) to their stones every six month, and now we're down to once a month!!... L


am very concerned after reading all about marble and its porosity.

You may think that you read all about marble and its porosity, but I can assure you that you did not read anything useful.

For starters, marble is not very porous. Cappuccino in particular is not porous at all.

Second, the vast majority of polished marble can't be technically sealed, because no impregnator will ever be able to go below its surface due to their natural density teamed up with the increased surface tension deriving from the polishing action.

Third, polished marble seldom (and only under extreme circumstances) stains.

The above are scientific facts, not my opinion.

Finally, polished marble will “stain” a lot. What I mean is that since marble is sensitive to acidic spills (and just about everything you spill in a kitchen is acidic) it will get corroded in its surface (etching) and the resulting surface damage will look like “water stains” and such.

No sealer for stone on the entire galaxy will ever do the first thing to prevent that.

And that, ultimately, is the very reason why polished marble does not belong in a kitchen.

Why don't you read what a sealer for stone (properly called impregnator) is all about, instead of relying on your perception of the definition of a sealer?


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Ciao and good luck,

Mauri z io Bertoli – The Only Consumers' Portal to the Stone Industry Establishment!

Article ID: 284
Created On: Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 3:28 PM
Last Updated On: Sat, Aug 4, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Maurizio Bertoli []

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