bleach on black galexy on my kitchen counter.

I spilled bleach on my counter top. It is black galaxy. Is there anything I can do to make it black again?
Thank you

Dear Brandy:

Most people don't like being the bearer of bad news, and you can count me among them. Yet, sometimes I'm in a position that can't be helped.

Not even industrial-grade bleach could affect a stone like Black Galaxy (Norite – not granite). In fact, even your “Black Galaxy” was not affected. What was affected is, most likely, the “black shoeshine” that the Indian factory diligently applied to it to make it look black, because, in fact, your “Black Galaxy” has never been black in the first place, and never will.

There are several quarries of that particular stone in the same Indian region and some of them produce a stone that's never going to be black; just dark grey. Since nobody wants it… enter the malicious doctoring that I just described to you. It is full-fledged consumer fraud, a criminal activity that's going on for years and counting, but nobody seems to be in the least bit interested at doing something about it. Needless to say, your fabricator is fully responsible.

Despite our offer of free help at legal level, none of the hundreds of consumers like you who're reporting similar situations to us are ever willing to take this matter where it belongs: to the D.A.

Simply ama z ing, in the land of the easy suing, where we can witness all sorts of frivolous law suits!

I have a Black Galaxy kitchen countertop for well over 10 years now. Both my wife and I cook like maniacs and we use and abuse our countertop like there's no tomorrow. Yet, it's still like brand-new! And it is black! But I can assure you that if anybody would have ever pulled a stun like that on me, they would have found their sorry butts questioned by a prosecutor and then in front a judge before they even had the time to say “I'm sorry”!

It is not just a question of seeing my own rights protected; while I care about getting what I pay for and not some sort of knockoff just as much as the next guy, I also think at all the other consumers like me that were taken before me, and that they will be taken after me.

And that is ultimately the reason why I volunteer countless hours of my time trying to help consumers like you out. can help and assist you at no charge, but please, do not ask any more questions unless you're willing to go all the way. Sorry for being rude, but we have no time to waste with quitters.

May I ask you now to please read and e-sign our Statement of Purpose at: That would be the first step you'll need to take if you care about getting our help.

Ciao and good luck,

Mauri z io Bertoli – The Only Consumers' Portal to the Stone Industry Establishment!

Article ID: 407
Created On: Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 5:40 PM
Last Updated On: Sat, Sep 1, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Judy Glick []

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