carioca gold sd granite?

I have carioca gold sd on my counters for 2 yearsand it looks like it needs to be shined what should I use and is carioca gold granite?

Dear Jan:

Yes, Carioca Gold is true geological granite from Bra z il .

As for the “need for shining” I don't see any reason why a stone like that would ever need to be polished after two short years, or even after 20 years, for that matter.

I'm not saying that's exactly your case, mind you, but in my professional experience when someone tells me that their granite countertop needs to be re-polished, in the vast majority of instances it turns out to be just plain dirty!...

It's understandable: all too many fabricators are so very concerned with the sealing of the stone (which in many cases is useless), but then they tell their customers to just use some water and dish soap to “clean” their stone with. Of course, the dish soap will leave a film, invisible at first; and this film, together with the soiling agents that such mild “cleaner” was not able to remove, will create the impression of a dullness with is actually only topical.

Clean that stuff off, and… Tah Dah!... The stone is nice and shiny again!!

If for any chance this is your case, too, then you would need to hit your countertop real hard with a heavy-duty cleaner with chelates in its formula rated “for natural stone” like MB-3. Rinse it thoroughly and then use a good-quality stone spray cleaner like MB-5 for routine care after that.

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Ciao and good luck,

Mauri z io Bertoli – The Only Consumers' Portal to the Stone Industry Establishment!

Article ID: 490
Created On: Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 10:09 AM
Last Updated On: Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Maurizio Bertoli []

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