Bring the shine back to a black granite table top

Bought a couple of cafe tables for our Ford Dealership customer lounge. There was a care sticker on the counter top that pealed off but left a shiner finish than the rest. We made the mistake of trying to apply a polish to the whole top and now the whole thing is dull and hazy. We tried some acetone and some peroxide via recommendation thinking that the top was marble but it's actually granite. What can we do to bring the finish back? Can it be buffed with a high speed soft buffing pad or is there a liquid treatment that will work? Thanks.

Dear Dave:

And if it is black “granite” why should it be dull?... It takes some serious, serious, serious doing to dull the surface of black “granite”!

That said, and assuming that it is indeed black “granite”, there are probably no more than a couple of dozen professional stone refinishers in the whole country that could pull a job like that off. Without meaning to dwarf your DIY abilities, somehow I doubt that you're among those few!... J

Stone is polished mechanically by abrasion and friction, like gemstone, with special equipment, appropriate abrasives and polishing powders. The real difficult part is that no two stones polish the same way (it is never a standard procedure), and black “granite” is among the most difficult to do.

Sorry… L

Ciao and good luck,

Maurizio Bertoli

Article ID: 647
Created On: Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 7:48 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Maurizio Bertoli []

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