granite tile in shower

Maurizio, just came upon your site. I'm thinking of granite coutertop and matching granite tile for shower stall with standard shower base. My question is will I have stain and mildew problems on the surface. I prob have to seal it before hand but will that be a yearly task. thanks -frank

Dear Frank:

As for the sealing, it all depends on the granite or “granite” that you select. Many (and I do mean many) granites and “granites” are so dense that they can't take any sealer in. Others are only moderately absorbent, and therefore you do not want them sealed inside a shower stall. (It is never a good idea to seal stone in a wet environment.) Others are like “sponges” instead… Well, you simply don't want a “sponge” in your shower stall, do you?!...

That said, you're right at being concerned about possible mildew problem (stains?? Why, are you gonna spill coffee or cooking oil in your shower stall???...), but that has absolutely nothing to do with the material itself: it has exclusively to do with the way the tiles are installed.

So you see, you were so concerned about the granite and the sealing thing, and you were off the mark on both counts; while at the same time you were rightly concerned about one issue, mildew, that has nothing to do with the material and the sealer.

Some information you've got, haven't you?! J

By logging into the Helpful Hints section of our website at: , you will be able to get the short version of our maintenance guidelines at no charge. The full version of it – a 7-page document considered by many as an industry benchmark – is available in pay-per-download format in our Educational Literature section at: . In there you will also find a few priceless tips on how to properly install a natural stone shower stall.

And remember, every single penny of the cost of the literature will be used to support this site and its cause: your cause.

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Ciao and good luck,

Mauri z io Bertoli – The only Consumers' Portal to the Stone Industry Establishment!

Article ID: 880
Created On: Thu, Dec 6, 2007 at 2:25 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Dec 6, 2007 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Maurizio Bertoli []

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