Tile and Grout Cleaning Contractors
A properly trained tile and grout restoration contractor can clean and restore your tile and grout and make it look brand new. Missing grout and broken tiles can be replaced.
Grout Cleaning and Sealing
Grout is porous and will absorb liquids, which can permanently discolor grout and create a haven for bacteria growth. Having your grout cleaned and sealed makes it less porous and provides some degree of protection, assuming a good-quality sealer is used and is applied correctly. Sealing your grout provides a protective barrier that not only protects it from stains, it makes routine cleaning and maintenance easier. Grout can be sealed with a clear sealer or it can be “ColorSealed.”
Clear Sealers
A common misconception that consumers have is that clear sealers are bulletproof. Although this is not the case, clear sealers will make daily maintenance easier, future restorations more effective and will allow a little time to catch a spill before the grout is penetrated.
Color Sealing
Color sealing makes the grout completely waterproof and also has the added advantage that it allows you to completely change the color of your grout whether it is just for a new look or to cover up stained or discolored grout.